About the BCCWITT

The BC Centre for Women in the Trades (BCCWITT) is working to eliminate the barriers faced by women in the trades by building a network committed to creating a culture of equality and equal opportunity.

A two-year pilot project, the BCCWITT aims to increase the retention and advancement of women in the trades through targeted supports and programs.

Our initiatives include:

  • outreach and mentoring for women in the trades, including networking and skills building opportunities;
  • the development of a central database for BC women in the trades;
  • development and delivery of the Be More Than a Bystander program for men in the industry to facilitate a culture where inappropriate behaviours such as discrimination, harassment and bullying are not tolerated; and
  • outreach and support for employers, contractors, unions and non-union organizations to facilitate the retention and advancement of women, including leadership training.