Joann's story



A Red Seal Construction Electrician, Joann Greeley brings the experience of tradesperson, advocate, mentor and diversity expert to every conversation. Her career path has landed her squarely in industries where women are underrepresented, beginning in the transportation industry, insurance industry, and then construction mega projects for the past 6 years. Her commitment to respectful workplaces and seeking fair and equal treatment for women in the trades sparked her activism.

Joann’s vision and commitment to creating systemic change for diversity in the workplace has challenged her to influence policy, guide diversity initiatives like the Diversity Network (St. John’s, NL). She has been a mentor for the NL Office to Advance Women Apprentices and was a member on their Advisory Panel.  She was appointed to the NL Apprenticeship and Certification Board and was a founding member of the Diversity Network.  

Now heading up the BC Centre for Women in Trades as the Coordinator of Advocacy, she is pleased to bring her expertise and focus to tradeswomen in BC.



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