Lisa's Story


Lisa Langevin
BC Tradeswomen Society

I started my electrical apprenticeship in 2002 with IBEW 213. Being an electrician is a fantastic and fulfilling career and I am a passionate advocate to pave the roads to make it accessible to more women. I was a founding member of both the IBEW 213 and BC IBEW Women’s Committees, as well as the national and the provincial chapters of Build Together – Women of the Building Trades.

I currently work as an Assistant Business Manager for Local 213 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), based in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia. In addition to serving on the Governance Committee for BCCWITT I am also a board member of the ITA (Industry Training Authority).

Although the number of women in the trades has barely moved for decades, the industry is now poised on change. I am excited to be part of an organization that will play a pivotal role in making the trades a more welcoming environment for everyone.
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